CENTURY 21 ELITE celebrates the extraordinary with The Relentless Campaign. In a community of exciting projects, progressive movements, and exponential growth, relentless leaders and community members are found at its core. Now more than ever, we want to recognize these leaders. The Relentless Campaign aims to celebrate those making waves in the Wabash Valley Community by honoring individuals who truly give the word "relentless" its meaning. This month, we are excited to announce our next honoree of The 2022 Relentless Campaign, an individual who truly gives 121%.
Dee Fulford has lived in Sullivan, Indiana for over fifty years. In that time, she has created a life with her husband Patrick, her daughter and two step children, and her two wonderful grandkids. Dee works a fulltime job as a Medical Chart Auditor & Coding Consultant while also finding time to read, travel to any place with a beach, attend Crossroads Church, and join Patrick and the rest of the Jeepers group on fun adventures. Dee thrives on community involvement. She is a board member for the food pantry and community kitchen at Saint Mary’s Catholic Church serving around 275 people per week. This holds a special place in her heart and she thoroughly enjoys seeing the regulars that have become very special to her. Dee was in the founding group for Santa on the Square, which merged with Heart of Sullivan with the goal each year to create a “Hallmark” like setting for families to enjoy during Christmas. This includes a blanket drive that allows Santa to give each child a warm blanket. Dee is also a Trustee for Sullivan, a board member for Sullivan County Cares, a resource that gives money and gas cards to those receiving cancer treatments. Dee wanted to provide a solution for local residents that were not able to get assistance elsewhere, so her sister and mom (a five time cancer survivor) joined forces with Dee to give back. In the past she has assisted with the Military Send-Off, Salvation Army, and Run for Rob. When asked “What do you like most about your community?” Dee’s response was simple: “None of the events and organizations would be possible without the help from the community. Everyone is terrific about coming together and would help anyone at the drop of a hat.” Dee has a huge heart and is always willing to help where she can. This truly gives her the “relentless” edge that every community needs. The Sullivan community is thankful for all her efforts.
We are honored to recognize an extraordinary dedicated individual like Dee. CENTURY 21 Elite will continue to recognize relentless individuals like her in 2022. Nominate a relentless individual that gives their dedication, time, and expertise within the Wabash Valley community at https://www.century21sullivan.com/the-relentless.